Hospital Plans for Change of Ownership


Tuesday, June 7

The Illinois Health Services and Facilities Review Board unanimously approved the planned change of ownership. This is an important step forward in an ongoing process.

Wednesday, May 18

Illinois Health Services and Facilities Review Board deadline for providing public comment on the change of ownership.

Friday, April 8

Illinois Health Services and Facilities Review Board hosts a two-hour public hearing with speakers giving brief testimony regarding the change of ownership.

Thursday, April 7

West Suburban Medical Center CEO Barbara Martin will host a Community Forum from 5-6 pm.

Community members are invited to hear some exciting updates on investments to expand our clinical services and enhance care to our community. In addition to updates from hospital leadership, we will hear from Manoj Prasad, who leads Resilience Healthcare, which is in talks with us concerning a change of ownership. That change is subject to approval from the Illinois Health Facilities and Services Review Board.

We will gather in the lower level auditorium of West Suburban, which is located at 3 Erie Court, Oak Park, IL 60302.

Please RSVP to [email protected] so we know if you are able to attend.

Monday, March 14

  • Hospital CEO begins series of town hall meetings for employees to learn more and ask questions.
  • Applications submitted to the Health Facilities and Services Review Board, which has the authority to approve the change of ownership.

Thursday, March 10

  • Pipeline Health issues joint news release with PR firm representing the buyer, Resilience Healthcare. Both parties begin media outreach to let community members know of the plans for a change of ownership.
  • Hospital CEO sends communication to employees and physicians regarding the plans for a change of ownership.
  • Community outreach begins with calls to leaders of community groups to share the news.
  • News release is posted on hospital’s website.
  • Hospital hosts a reception to celebrate the opening of the new Outpatient Behavioral Health Center. Hospital CEO and Governing Board Chair share remarks about the planned change of ownership and continuing hospital services.

Tuesday-Wednesday, March 8-9

  • Pipeline Health introduces Buyer to key legislators in Chicago and Springfield
West Suburban Medical Center