COVID-19 Visitor Restrictions
UPDATED COVID-19 Visitor and Patient Support Companion Policy February 21, 2022
Your health and well-being are our priority at West Suburban Medical Center. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we remain committed and vigilant in delivering the best possible care while keeping our patients, staff, and community safe.
Effective today, we are amending our routine hospital visitation to reflect the current situation. While it is unfortunate that we need to take this step to keep our patients and staff safe, we know we can accomplish it with efficiency, compassion and empathy if we all work together.
Additional information pertaining to specific areas is as follows:
For inpatients:
- Two (2) visitors at any one time are allowed between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
- For Labor/Delivery, Mother Baby, FBC a patient may have a limited number of visitors based on the unit’s specific visitor policy.
- If the patient is COVID positive, one support person is allowed and will need to stay in the hospital for the duration of the admission.
- Staff, under the guidance of administrator-on-call, will be allowed to make exceptions to allow a visitor/support person due to extenuating circumstances (e.g., end-of-life, significant status change, language barriers, behavioral health needs, emotional support).
Emergency Department:
- No visitors are allowed for most adult patients.
- Pediatric patients may be accompanied by one parent or legal guardian.
- One Two (2) visitors at any one time are allowed between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
- Exceptions may be made for circumstances that require a support person for the visit to be completed successfully. These extenuating circumstances will be evaluated by the staff at the point of care.
Outpatient Clinics, Surgery and Diagnostic Testing Departments:
- Patients in our outpatient clinics may have one support person.
- Patients having outpatient surgery may have one support person.
- Patients for outpatient laboratory or radiology tests may have one support person.
- Pediatric patients may be accompanied by one parent or legal guardian.
- Support people who are bringing patients to procedures or surgeries will be permitted to wait in the waiting areas.
Thank you for your understanding of this restricted visitation policy as we work to keep our patients and staff safe from COVID-19.